Saturday, June 30, 2012

Publishing for Just One Reader

Of all the interviews that I have published, I think I am most proud of this one: "Mother Seeks Kidney, Lifesaving Hero Through Facebook." It tells the story of one brave woman who is facing some some serious health issues. Even with dialysis treatments, the prognosis is bleak, and she expects she might have five years left, during which time she will become sicker and sicker.

The thing is, though, her condition can be not just more effectively treated, but virtually cured with a tested, approved, and proven medical technique. Despite this, 4500 people each year die while waiting their chance to undergo that "cure." Granted, the cure is ot permanent, but it does grant a reprieve of 10-30 years or so. That treatment is a kidney transplant.

Unfortunately, too few donors step forward to meet the needs of patients who have experienced kidney failure. The interview with Maria gives an emotional account of what it's like to sit on a transplant waiting list for years, knowing that it only takes one person, one hero, to step forward and offer to help. In Maria's case, she has turned to Facebook to try to locate a suitable donor.

This article hopes to reach that one single individual willing to give the gift of life for Maria. In order to reach that one reader, however, it's important to put the article in front of as many people as possible and get them to share it as broadly as they can to aid the search. Of course, all of them will also learn about the effects of kidney failure and dialysis, as well as the importance of organ donation.

Those who donate kidneys are thoroughly screened to make sure they are healthy and have no significant risk factors that would reduce the function of their remaining kidney should they donate one. So effective is this screening that kidney donors have identical life expectancies as those with two functioning kidneys.

To hear Maria's story in her own words and learn more about kidney donation, click the interview link.

Finding the Story

As for the interview itself, I first learned of Maria and her situation when a former colleague of mine contacted me and mentioned that it might make a good story and, of course, help to publicize Maria's search for a donor. Personal contacts can be an important source of potential news stories and newsworthy interview subjects.

Editorial Requests

I thought the emotion of the story made it very compelling, but my editor suggested that the Facebook search made it more unique and asked me to revise it to focus a bit more on that angle. Unusual and emotional stories are more likely to be prominently featured and reach a larger audience. Since that is the goal of the piece, I was happy to oblige.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Print Publisher Discusses E-books, Social Media

Will print books go the way of the dinosaur?
Photo by Brad Sylvester, copyright 2011. All rights reserved.
Working in the consumer electronics industry for a company concerned with music, I watched as digitally downloaded music became the standard, displacing Cds as the focus of music publishing. Now that I'm more involved with the written word, I see some interesting similarities and differences between the music industry's approach to advancing technology and the way that at least some print publishers are adapting to the growing popularity of digital content.

I recently spoke with Rob Tempio, Executive Editor, and Leslie Nangle, Associate Marketing Director, bot from Princeton University Press about the challenges and opportunities presented to their industry by digital content. I found the discussion quite interesting and if you are interested in online content creation, digital downloads, books, technology, or Princeton University, you might enjoy it as well.

Here is my interview with Tempio and Nangle of Princeton Universtiy Press as published at Yahoo! News.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Anti-social media message goes viral

On Saturday, I conducted an interview with Jake Reilly, a young copywriting student from the Chicago Portfolio School. He had just finished a self-imposed exile from all social media, email, cell phone, texting and television which he referred to as "going Amish." He felt that these things were too much of a distraction from actual real-life personal interactions and that the superficial types of communication that can occur through texting, tweeting or Facebook messaging were crutches that interfered with real relationships.

I finished the article Sunday evening and it was posted first to the news page at Yahoo! ( as many of my interviews are. Later it was added to the text list of news articles on the front page at It was moderately popular there, and so it was elevated by Yahoo! to the featured article scroll at the top of the page, added to Editor's Picks and Today on Yahoo! The latter two appear at the bottom of every news page on Yahoo!

The short story is that the article was very visible on a very popular web property for a little more than 36 hours. For a while, it was the number one most popular article at What is interesting though, is that this article was also the most shared on In other words, this story about a young man who felt he was overdependent on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, was shared more than 8000 times on Facebook, well over 1000 times on Twitter, and generated at least 32,000 page views coming directly in from links sent out on Twitter.

The article talking about one man's struggle with social media addiction went viral. In total it racked up more than one million readers in the first 24 hours that it was up. I don't yet have totals beyond that as my reporting is delayed. During the 36 hours that it was being heavily featured on Yahoo! it reached a peak of 750 visits per hour from Twitter alone (a small percentage of the overall traffic total). However, the day after it was removed from the Yahoo! front page, it was still drawing Twitter traffic and reached a new peak of more than 1000 visits per hour from Twitter links. The article has social media inertia.

As I conducted the interview, I found myself quite interested in what Jake had to say. Clearly, many people his age use social media, cell phones and texting in a much different way than people my age do, and people a generation older than I am use it differently still. The comments on the article also show that the readers view texting and social media differently as well. Older folks say things like "I never use that stuff, but I can barely get my grandchildren to look up from their cellphones. Congratulations to Jake for breaking free from it all."

Those Jake's age who are heavy users of Twitter and smart phones make comments like "I could never do that" or "I want to try that." Those his age who did not develop the texting habit, and many my age who use social media applications, but not heavily say things like "That's stupid. Anybody could go without. I do it all the time."

The range of the comments themselves help to underscore the point that I tried to make int he article. Technology isn't evil or something to be avoided, using 140 character texts as proxies for real human interaction is the problem. Real communication involves depth of feeling and emotion that simply can't be conveyed in a text message that takes 12 seconds to write. When the majority of our communication is filtered through this insufficient medium, we lose the very connection that defines real human interaction. For some, it's not a problem, but for a whole generation, it is becoming increasingly common.

Whatever one's perspective on the issue, the article struck a chord with a wide variety of readers. When all the updates are in, I expect something like two million readers will have read the article and roughly 1 in 40 of them will have shared it with their circle of virtual friends through social media, making this my most widely read news article to date.

It was not about a celebrity, or someone expounding on some popular news item, but simply a story about one young man who decided to step outside his comfort zone to reassert his humanity.